Rob's Tech Demo Page

A place for me to demonstrate some web apps. You will find them under the 'Web Apps' tab.

A Few Apps

Here are a few web apps that I made.

The first app is a rewrite of a nice Social Media Dashboard created by Neil Dixon for forecasters to use to track weather related posts from local media. It was improved by using jQuery UI to provide resizable windows and load-on-demand tabs. The challenge was ensuring that all the Facebook feeds on all the tabs didn't load immediately. Placing the FB feeds in an associative array allowed me to load each catagory when its tab was clicked.
This next app displays Local Climate Data for the Past 7 Days. It uses php, javascript and jQuery/ajax to pull JSON data from the xmACIS web services at Cornell University, then plot the temperature, precipitation and snowfall along with records and normals.
The Yearly/Monthly Climate Page is the front-end for a web app that can be used nationwide. A station management page allows a web master to pre-query the web services to QC the stations that are displayed in the dropdown menu. Both pages use ajax to communicate with a php json handler that stores preferences by Weather Forecast Office ID on the server. This app uses an original idea by Don Britton who coded the original Flot graphs, narrative and some nice helper functions. It maximizes use of javascript and web services to decrease web server bandwidth usage, allowing the client to handle the data flows. Uses php, javascript, jQuery, ajax and OpenLayers for the maps.
Freeze Level Mapper with sparklines Sparklines are small inline interactive graphs
Breakup Map App This GIS app was developed to allow Hydrologists to track and update the status of rivers during Spring breakup. It also fills an unmet requirement for GIS support for emergency managers, etc. The app loads GeoJSON data and allows setting the breakup status by either 'painting' it on the rivers or selecting the tributary from a dropdown menu. It also publishs shapefiles and GeoJSON data to the web. This feature is disabled in this demo.
Shakespearian Insult Generator